Thursday, October 11, 2012

Will Our Twitter Feeds be the History Books of Tomorrow?

I have been using Twitter for about a year now. I think the twitterverse is a fascinating place and  I’m always stunned at what a person can convey in 140 characters or less. Twitter gives new significance to less is more.  Here is some real tweets that I found interesting.

People do business-IndieAuthor, are you looking to promote your tweets? Use these hashtags and other indies will Retweet you! #BYNR and #authorRT

Tweeps pass on tidbits of wisdom-Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.-Aristotle #quote #wisdom

Tweeps think out loud, just because they can-Marcie @2readornot2read

I should go to bed.

Tweeps share their faith-Kimberly Jones@RealTalkKim

The only reason God is taking so long with you is because He has something absolutely extraordinary, unique, and amazing for you!

Tweeps support each other-Ally Condie@allycondie

Have been traveling, so this news is a bit late, but readers, you did it! MATCHED just REACHED (ha!) one YEAR on the NYT paperback list!!!

@allycondie Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! It's such a great book- you deserve it!:-)

Tweeps even delve into their political views, which of course, is even scarier than talking about their faith- Tera Lynn Childs@teralynnchilds

What?! Bill Clinton was at a rally in Vegas yesterday and I missed it?! So sad. :(
I know these are just a few examples, but I was impressed by the intensity and intimacy of them. It doesn’t take many characters to reveal a lot about yourself and the world around you.  This got me thinking. With every character, are we
leaving footprints, like the dinosaurs of old.  Are we creating our daily history as individuals and people in general.  So, here’s a funny question. What if, in a hundred years, they didn’t learn about us in text books, but by reading our twitter feeds. Who would they think we were? What would they think we did with our time? What would they think we valued? Wouldn’t that be crazy! So is Twitter just random quips and banter? I don’t think so. I think it is one of our records. I think it is a digital footprint in our history leaving an indelible impression on us now, and in future generations.  Lucky me, I get to part of it. How about you, do you agree? Leave me a comment. I’d love to hear from youJ



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